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Engage your audience & fast-track business growth with AI-powered chatbots



Media and communications companies are under constant pressure to grow their revenues, gain efficiencies, and improve customer engagement in today’s competitive business environment.

With Artificial Intelligence at its core, our products enable enterprise notifications and collaboration, field mobility and back office productivity improvements.


  • Audience engagement and personalization
  • Deliver high-quality and relevant content
  • Inability to personalize their content and/or services at scale.
Work Process

Business Impact

  • 50 pts

    Increase in

  • 15%

    Reduced operational

  • 45%

    Increase in customer
    query resolution

Boost revenue with AI-powered chatbots

Customers frequently have product or service questions, ordering problems, or decision issues. Our AI-powered chatbots improve customer engagement during the sales process by providing timely information and answering any customer questions. Chat capabilities connect your customers directly to the help they need and ensure that sales are closed quickly and efficiently.

Using our intelligent mobile OTT automation platform, field and sales agents can cross-sell and upsell more products and services to customers. Backoffice agents utilize the unified desktop capabilities to create and submit orders.

Field Cloud
Field Cloud

Reduce operational costs

StraViso takes a multi-tiered approach to work with Media companies to reduce operating costs including:

  • Chat capabilities that replace traditional voice-based calls in the support centers.
  • Utilizing intelligent chatbots to further reduce support center costs.
  • Monitoring and automating desktop workflows in support centers.
  • Tracking important assets and inventories in warehouses and the field.
  • Reducing invalid or non-productive field dispatches and optimizing field service.
  • Monitoring process and software utilization to identify automation and process improvement.

Audience engagement and personalization

Audience engagement and personalization are critical in the media industry. Leading media businesses know that they have to go beyond providing news stories worth reading and have to deliver news in new ways to attract and retain readers and subscribers.

Our AI chatbots help companies deliver the stories individual readers are passionate about in a memorable and engaging manner. Our NLP-driven bots can even remember context from past engagements and send notifications to users about exclusive content or the latest and most relevant news based on their reading or viewing habits.

Field Cloud
Field Cloud

Product (content) discovery with Conversational AI

By leveraging user preferences and past behavior, conversational AI revolutionizes content discovery. Users can specify particular features of the product/content that they prefer and prioritize their options accordingly.

Chatbots optimize search results by proactively notifying users about relevant media works. It empowers content creators by managing content lifecycles and accelerating production processes.

What our Client Says

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